In July, pick a date (anytime between 1st – 31st July) and have your very own Sports Day! Complete literally any sporting activity to earn your Sports Day medal.
This challenge is open to everyone and you will earn your medal in return for uploading a photo of you completing your sport – this can be rowing, ice skating, egg and spoon race – whatever gets you moving! Perhaps you could put on your own mini event or reward yourself for your own Sports Day achievements?
We will not formulate a results table for this challenge as it will be tough to report on each sport. Simply upload a photo of you doing your activity to claim your medal.
The deadlines for submissions is 3rd August at 12 noon, so please upload your photo submission ahead of this to claim your medal.
The Sports Day charity is Willow Farm School and they will receive a minimum of 20% of every entry fee.
Medals will be sent in advance of this activity so you can reward at the finish line. Please note, the medal is subject to change but a very suitable alternative will be given if this is the case.