Author:Susan Wheatcroft

I feel the need for speed – why is interval training important?

The dictionary definition of interval – a break from an activity – may mislead you into thinking this type of training is all about putting your feet up! Sadly, that’s for rest days, but you’ll at least be pleased to know there are plenty of breaks within a typical workout! Interval training is all about […]

Love it when a plan comes together – planning for success!

So you’ve taken the plunge and committed to a walking/running challenge, be it to fundraise, lose weight or achieve personal goals. But how are you going to reach your virtual finish line, especially if you’re attempting to walk, jog or run further than ever before? It’s all in the planning. The best advice I can […]

Running with dogs – how to do it safely

Combining training with walkies can be a ‘paw-some’ time saver, letting you both expend some energy in a fun way.  But it can also ‘lead’ to challenges. Here are my Virtual Runner top tips for running with dogs safely, so that your canine companion remains your best friend: Know your breed – Some dogs are […]

Top Tips For Running In Hot Weather

Many runners, especially beginners, are more inclined to go for a run when it’s nice outside. But you may find that although you were getting on fine in the cooler months and sticking to targets, once it starts warming up, things just get that bit more difficult and you start to struggle. This isn’t just […]

Top 10 Holiday Running Tips

So you’re a few days away from that well-deserved break and you’ve decided to pack your training gear with the full intention of fitting in a couple of runs while you’re away. You deserve a pat on the back just for having such good intentions, especially when your focus for the coming days should be […]

Running and Wine

These are a few of my favourite things! Last month, I took part in the inaugural wine dash which was organised by Dove House Hospice. I was drawn to the event as it was going to tick another tourist parkrun off (the event was a Saturday, so of course parkrun was on the cards!) and the […]

Raising money for charity – another milestone achieved

Every entry you buy via Virtual Runner UK is raising money for amazing charities. A minimum of 20% from every entry fee is donated to the charity highlighted alongside the medal. When I set up Virtual Runner (over 4 years ago now), I set a target to raise £10,000 for charity. Within the first 18 […]

Ok I admit, I’m injured again…

Ok, ok I am going to have to admit to you (and myself) that I am injured! Again. We all appreciate that this is one of the worst things as a runner. I have been on a running streak and had completed just over 100 days straight. But this week it came crashing down when […]

New Year, New You time?

Well there we have it. We blinked and 2017 is just about over, how did that happen? With 2018 just around the corner, it’s time to start thinking about those fitness goals for the upcoming year. Did someone say New Year new you? With running, there are plenty of achievable goals you can set to […]

What a ‘Run Streak’ has done for me

As I have declared many times this year, 2017 hasn’t been my best running year. I have spent lots of the year with niggles which prevented me from running faster or further. Something needed to change. By the start of Autumn, I was getting frustrated that my niggles weren’t disappearing and with that my minute […]

Virtual Runner helps me maintain my weight and lead a healthy lifestyle

Another incredible Virtual Runner journey from overweight to bling/running addict. Ian Kenna, tells us about why virtual races are important to both him and the lifestyle he leads with his daugther. Coming from a non running background and being massively overweight, I have found a way to keep fit and giving to great causes (which […]

Top Tips on avoiding injury

I am lucky to have some great people around me to offer running/fitness advice. I spoke to my Physiotherapist and asked her to share her support to the wonderful Virtual Runner UK community. This month, Kerstine is focusing on how to avoiding injury and her top tips to keep you running: My name is Kerstine […]

Need motivation to run, Virtual Runner could be it!

Simon Lloyd-Jones has found his winning formula for sticking at his running. His desire of something to show for his achievements, a challenge with a friend and finding Virtual Runner has improved his confidence in the sport. Now instead of opting for running at quieter times to avoid being seen, he is now training his […]

We run to try to help save lives after tragedy

Maria, very sadly lost her husband this year and has told us why she and her family run, about their fundraising efforts and how they hope their efforts can save other families from going through a similar tragedy. Maria in her own words told us: In January this year my husband was involved in a […]

Running with my dog – my new favourite thing!

I don’t think I have been shy in saying that I have recently been struggling with my running – mainly over my pace and how it feels. So I decided to mix things up and have started running with my dog. Bailey is now a year old so this was the earliest I was recommended […]

If I can run, anyone can!

Terry Murray has told us about why she runs and about her weight battles which through hard word and serious determination have now earned her amazing PBs in distances from 5k to marathons. Running is a huge part of my life these days. And in recent months, Virtual Runner UK has become a regular, large […]

Virtual Runner has made me hungry for more, but helped me loose weight

Grant Huddleston, a Virtual Runner from Birmingham has joined our races to help with race logistics, improve his time and loose weight, here’s what he has to say about his journey: In 2016 I entered a small number of running events and I was hooked. Exercise isn’t something new to me; I’m a senior lecturer […]

Weight loss through running saved my life

Louise Roberts, 44 of Warwickshire has told us what Virtual Runner means to her and how losing weight may well have saved her life. Almost 4 years ago I lost my Mam suddenly and my world was turned upside down. I had seen a friend of mine had started running and I thought I’d give […]

The month of two halfs (marathons)

I have been meaning to do my write ups for days now, but you fabulous lot having been keeping me busy by earning lots of virtual bling and entering lots of our future races (I can assure you I am not complaining). As some of you will know, I have ‘only’ been running for around […]

It’s the Great North Run this weekend…!

I am typing this almost minutes before I make the journey north to Newcastle ahead of the Great North Run this weekend! Am I ready? Kinda. Will I run 13.1 miles on Sunday? Yes! I have ran at least 3 times a weeks for months now so I know I can do the distance, so […]

Why you can’t afford to miss out on January’s National Running Show

We are delighted to be attending the first ever National Running Show and we asked Charlotte to tell us a little more about it and what you can expect in Birmingham in January… Hi everyone! Charlotte here from The National Running Show! The Virtual Runner UK team have let me hijack one of their blog posts! […]

Virtual Medals – truly addictive

Dawn Nisbet from Oldham recently had her parkrun photo go viral after her proud finish line after the 5k event. Here, Dawn tells us why our races/medals can be become addictive – the healthy kind of addiction! As a not very sporty child, who excelled more in academic subjects than I did at PE, and […]

Triathlon – when one sport isn’t enough?

When one sport isn’t enough and you fancy a challenge – why not tri a triathlon? In May, we have seen the return of the virtual triathlon and many participants are using this as their first experience of the triathlon. Carena Mills who completed her event Mid May shared her experiences of her virtual triathlon […]

Running had helped me in more ways than ‘just’ weight loss.

Becci Johnson recently sent me a very heartfelt thanks for helping her to keep going through Virtual Runner. I told her that she was the inspirational one (and I am sure you will agree) so I asked her to share her journey so far to perhaps motivate you to keep going. Below are some words […]

London is always a good idea

The London marathon week has to be one of my all time favourite weeks of the year! And 2017 was no exception. Virtual Runner was at the London marathon expo and we spent many hours talking to potential new Virtual Runners and many current members. Thank you to each and everyone of you who stopped […]

Spring Virtual Equinox24 challenge

Like most of you reading this, I have an addiction with running – I love it and I at times really dislike it! However, nothing motivates me more than a challenge! Equinox24 ( has been one of my all time favourite events. It is a 24 hour challenge which takes place on the grounds of […]

LIVE 5k event

I am sat typing this after what has most possibility been one of my favourite running days ever! Today, saw the inaugural (yes that does mean we hope to return) Virtual Runner Live 5k event take place in Nottingham. After months of planning, with massive help from friends at Perfect Motion ( and many a supportive face, […]

New Year, new you?

You know the drill: it’s January, 2016 is gone and with it must go the old you. Diets glare at you from the covers of magazines, fluorescent workout DVDs are on flash sale and just about every one of your Facebook friends has updated their status with some form of ‘New Year new me’ in […]

All I want for Christmas is to run!

Four years ago, I had never ran in my life – other than at school, which I hated! So why in my 30s is running on Christmas day one of my favourite things to do in the year? I now love to run (as most of you know), it is one of the highlights on my […]

When life gets tough, keep running

Tim Sorrell, has been an inspiration to me and reminds when life gets tough, keep running. When I feel I can’t run, when I feel like I really don’t want to go, I think of Tim and head out of the door. Tim who was diagnosed with MS a number of years ago was kind enough […]

The poppy challenge, the results!

The poppy challenge is one of my favourite events that Virtual Runner hosts and 2016 has been no exception. The volume of support is amazing and I am very proud to say that we raised £7,600 for the Royal British Legion Each and every participant takes the poppy challenge very seriously, each aiming to achieve […]

Virtual Runner is good for my mental health

Jenny Higgs from Nottingham has battled with her mental health since being a child, running is helping her. Jenny opens up to us here in her own words. I have struggled with mental illness for all of my adult life, and a lot of my childhood too. I first discovered running three years ago when I […]

Why I wish I’d found Virtual Runner sooner

Jane Kimberley recently told us what finding Virtual Runner has meant to her and below she talks in her own words. Earlier on in the year I discovered some health issues with my heart, at the age of 35 being told I may have a pacemaker fitted in a couple of months, you can imagine […]

To run or not to run…? That is the injury question!

I have been running very regularly since I started a little over 3 years ago, often completing at least 3-4 runs and over 25km a week. I am a huge fan of participating in parkrun and races. Anything from 5k to marathon and i’m there! Racing is a huge motivator for me to continue running […]


As you all know I am a self confessed stationery addict, but I have another addiction that I haven’t really spoken about. I like to run! I started running years ago, after James was born, before Abi was here, I loved being able to get out in the fresh air and pound the pavements to […]