Meet Zak, a 29 year football lover from Hertfordshire.
Having Down Syndrome has never held Zak back. He’s a member of Special Olympics East Herts actively taking part in golf athletics and netball.
He signed up to Virtual Runner during the pandemic on the recommendation of a friend who showed him all the medals he could win which gave him a goal to stay active during lockdown, and hopefully to loose a bit of weight.
Well it worked! Zak suddenly learnt how to pace himself! He also took on board to start eating healthier even though we do eat a healthy diet and he managed to loose 3.5 stone!
When you ask Zak how he feels he’s reply is always “great I love running it’s good for me”. He’s happy and proud of what he has achieved with the help of VR (Virtual Runner).
3 years on, he is still running! Whatever the weather, he never misses a run.
Virtual Runner not only gave him an activity to do during the many lockdowns and helped him toward his weight loss goals, but it also unlocked a passion for running he didn’t know he had.
Virtual Runner gave Zak a goal to work towards and kept him disciplined on his journey. He now doesn’t only run to keep healthy, he runs because he loves it! And entering his numbers into Virtual Runner and receiving his medals is only an added bonus to the countless benefits running offers.
Thanks Virtual Runner you’ve unlocked a passion that Zak or I didn’t know was there!
Anyone can achieve almost anything in life as long as you have a good network and support and a medal or two along the way! And Virtual Runners is Zaks key!l
Here’s some pics of Zak’s running journey with Virtual Runners.

From Mum Karen and the very inspiring Zak.