Join us in celebrating Bagpuss’ February Birthday in our Bagpuss Bash! This challenge is suitable for all ages and abilities so don’t delay and sign up today! Complete your distance (to be done in one go) any time between 1st and 28th February 2021. On proving your completion, you will be sent your very own Bagpuss medal!
We will accept any activity that you can track showing us the distance you have achieved. Examples include running, walking, cycling, swimming, rowing, gym machines. Basically anything that gets you active and you can proof to us how far you have gone. There is no minimum distance in this event, the decision is yours. Your Bagpuss medal is worth it, so perhaps take on a new exercise or go further than normal!
Submissions proving your distance will be required by 3rd March at 12 noon to claim your medal. Anything after this date, will not be accepted, you will not appear on the results and will not get your medals.
Once you have submitted, patiently wait for the post to arrive with your medal which will be sent within 5 working days after approval of your submission!
A minimum of 20% donation (from the full price entry) will be donated to Hospices of Hope.
Return to to view the virtual race results.